Thursday, February 5, 2009

Scientist Activity Pin

At our Den meeting on February 2nd we started working on our Scientist Achievement. We bagan the meeting looking at optical illusions, like the floating finger. We learned about physics and several principals and laws. For Bernoulli's principal, we blew on a business card with a lighted candle behind it. To our amazement, the flame moved toward us and not away. In our study of inertia, we put a coin on a piece of cardboard covering a glass jar. When we tapped the card, it flew out and the coin landed inside the jar. We also spun eggs that were hard boiled and raw. The hard boiled eggs spun longer! To learn about centripetal force, we swung pails of water- outside! Although we did not do an experiment with it, we even learned about Pascal's law which lead to the invention of the hydraulic press. Who knew that learning could be so fun!

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